About Us


Welcome to Virtual Raksha

At Virtual Raksha, we are committed to revolutionizing Health, Safety, and Environment training through immersive virtual reality experiences. We believe that fostering a culture of safety and environmental responsibility is not only a legal requirement but a moral imperative for every organization. That's why we've harnessed the power of VR to deliver cutting-edge training solutions that save lives, protect the environment, and enhance the well-being of your workforce.

Our Mission

Our mission is clear: to provide the most effective, engaging, and results-driven HSE training solutions powered by virtual reality technology. We are dedicated to helping organizations across industries develop a culture of safety, minimize risks, and comply with regulations.

Why Choose Us?


Our team comprises seasoned HSE experts, VR developers, and instructional designers who collaborate to create VR training modules that are both informative and realistic.

Immersive Experiences:

We leverage VR to create highly immersive and interactive training scenarios that mimic real-life situations, allowing trainees to learn by doing.


Our VR training solutions help organizations reduce training costs associated with traditional methods, such as travel and equipment.


We understand that each organization has unique HSE needs. We offer tailor-made VR training solutions to address specific risks and compliance requirements.


Our training modules are designed to align with industry-specific regulations and international standards, ensuring that your organization remains in full compliance.


This is the title

This is some text that goes in the label. It describes the item. Here is a link to another page.

This is the title

A keyboard has letters, and it can write letters. Let's say some more things about keyboards so the text wraps to multiple lines.

This is the title

These can hold letters, bills, and junk mail.

This is the title

Yay coffee!

This is the title


This is a label without a title.

Our Services

HSE Induction

Introduce new employees to your organization's HSE policies and procedures in a memorable and engaging way.

Safety Procedures

Teach employees how to safely operate machinery, handle hazardous materials, and perform tasks without exposing themselves or the environment to risks.

Environmental Awareness

Foster environmental consciousness by immersing trainees in realistic scenarios that highlight the importance of sustainable practices.

Custom Solutions

We can create bespoke VR training modules tailored to your industry, specific risks, and unique requirements.

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